Volume 35

Volume 35

35.1—SPRING 2003


“Expanding Empires, Expanding Selves: Colonialism, the Novel andRobinson Crusoe”—Brett C. McInelly, p. 1
“‘Mimic Sorrows’: Masochism and the Gendering of Pain in Victorian Melodrama”—Ellen Bayuk Rosenman, p. 22
“Conradian Reminders in Aldous Huxley’s Island: Will Farnaby’sMoksha-medicine Experience and‘The Essential Horror’”—Jerome Meckier, p. 44
“The Primal Scene in the Public Domain: E. L. Doctorow’s The Book of Daniel”—Naomi Morgenstern, p. 68
“Narrative Beginnings in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club: A Feminist Study”—Catherine Romagnolo, p. 89


“The Case for Crime”—David Arnold, p. 108


Boon, Kevin Alexander, ed. At Millennium’s End: New Essays on the Work of Kurt Vonnegut—Sam Fisher Dodson, p. 120
Cahalan, James M. Edward Abbey: A Life—Tom Pilkinton, p. 122
Gutjahr, Paul C., ed. Popular American Literature of the Nineteenth Century—Thomas Bonner, Jr., p. 124
Moglen, Helene. The Trauma of Gender: A Feminist Theory of the Noveland Watkins, Susan. Twentieth-Century Women Novelists: Feminist Theory into Practice—Josephine Donovan, p. 126
Osteen, Mark. American Magic and Dread: Don DeLillo’s Dialogue with Culture—Philip Nel, p. 128
Tanner, Tony. The American Mystery: Essays on American Literature from Emerson to DeLillo—John Carlos Rowe, p. 131


35.2—SUMMER 2003

Special Number: William Gilmore Simms (1806-1870)


“Introduction”—Miriam J. Shillingsburg, p. 135
“‘Foolish Talk ’Bout Freedom’: Simms’s Vision of America in The Yemassee”—Vincent King, p. 139
“Simms and the American Apocalypse: Woodcraft and The Cassique of Kiawah Chart a Course”—Jan Bakker, p. 149
“Simms’s Bosky Gothic, the‘Region of Doubt and Shadow’”—Benjamin F. Fisher, p. 157
“Jilted Southern Women: The Defiance of Margaret Cooper and Her Twentieth-Century Succesors”—Caroline Collins, p. 178
“Narrating Social Theory: William Gilmore Simms’s Woodcraft”—Rene Dye, p. 190
“Dory’s Bible, Acts, and The Devil at Our Elbow”—James Everett Kibler, p. 208
“The Battered Woman Syndrome in Simms’s Fiction”—Miriam J. Shillingsburg, p. 219
“‘The Fall of the House of Usher,’ Simms’s Castle Dismal, and The Scarlet Letter: Literary Interconnections”—Molly Boyd, p. 231
“Simms’s Vasconselos: A Multicultural Reading”—Peter Murphy, p. 243


Avery, Evelyn, ed. The Magic Worlds of Bernard Malamud—Martin Urdiales Shaw, p. 264
Barrish, Phillip. American Literary Realism, Critical Theory, and Intellectual Prestige, 1880-1995—Christopher Stuart, p. 268
Boswell, Marshall. John Updike’s Rabbit Tetralogy: Mastered Irony in Motion—Lawrence Broer, p. 270
Conner, Marc C., ed. The Aesthetics of Toni Morrison: Speaking the Unspeakable—Genevieve West, p. 272
Cowart, David. Don DeLillo: The Physics of Language and Don DeLillo’s Underworld. A Reader’s Guide—Christian Moraru, p. 275
Dames, Nicholas. Amnesiac Selves: Nostalgia, Forgetting, and British Fiction, 1810-1870—Steven Walker, p. 278
Griffin, Susan M., ed. Henry James Goes to the Movies—Allan Burns, p. 280
Quirk, Tom. Nothing Abstract: Investigations in the Literary Imagination—Robert B. Haas, p. 283


35.3—FALL 2003

Special Number: The Legacy of Raymond Chandler: Neither Tarnished Nor Afraid


“Introduction: The Complex History of a‘Simple Art’”—Miranda B. Hickman, p. 285
“‘Nothing You Can’t Fix’: Screening Marlowe Masculinity”—Megan E. Abbott, p. 305
“Film Adaptation and the Censors: 1940s Hollywood and Raymond Chandler”—John Paul Athanasourelis, p. 325
“No Order From Chaos: The Absence of Chandler’s Extra-Legal Space in the Detective Fiction of Chester Himes and Walter Mosley”—Scott Bunyan, p. 339
“Chandler’s Waste Land”—Jonathan Paul Eburne, p. 366
“Marlowe in Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk (Re-)Vision of Chandler”—Joseph Nazare, p. 383
“Plotting Chandler’s Demise: Ross Macdonald and the Neo-Aristotelian Detective Novel”—Michael D. Sharp, p. 405


Dalsimer, Katherine. Virginia Woolf: Becoming a Writer—Panthea Reid, p. 430
Hermann, Anne. Queering the Moderns: Poses/Portraits/Performances—Richard Ruppel, p. 433
Heusel, Barbara Stevens. Iris Murdoch’s Paradoxical Novels: Thirty Years of Critical Reception—W. S. Hampl, p. 436
McGee, Patrick. Joyce Beyond Marx: History and Desire in “Ulysses” and “Finnegans Wake”—Michael Patrick Gillespie, p. 439
Weisberg, David. Chronicles of Disorder: Samuel Beckett and the Cultural Politics of the Modern Novel—Richard Begam, p. 440


35.4—WINTER 2003


“Narrative Transference and Female narcissism: The Social Message ofAdam Bede”—Nancy Anne Marck, p. 447
“‘among the Ruins’: Narrative Archaeology in The Mayor of Casterbridge”—Bharat Tandon, p. 471
“The Secret Policeman’s Couch: Informing, Confession, and Interpellation in Conrad’s Under Western Eyes”—Andrew Long, p. 490
“Creative Disability/Disabled Creativity In Henry Green’s Blindness(1926)”—Pascale Aebischer, p. 510
“William Gaddis Calling: Telephonic Satire and the Disconnection of Authority”—Tim Conley, p. 526
“Waiting for the End: Closure in Margaret Atwood’s The Blind Assassin”—Earl Ingersoll, p. 543


“Three Faces of Joyce”—Michael H. Begnal, p. 559


Dasenbrock, Reed Way. Truth and Consequences: Intentions, Conventions, and the New Thematics—Peter Richardson, p. 564
David, Deirdre, ed. The Cambridge Companion to the Victorian Noveland Baker, William and Kenneth Womack, eds. A Companion to the Victorian Novel—Robert A. Colby, p. 566
Ingham, Patricia. Invisible Writing and the Victorian Novel: Readings in Language and Ideology—Steven C. Walker, p. 570
Mangen, Anne and Rolf Gaasland, eds. Blissful Bewilderment: Studies in the Fiction of Thomas Pynchon—Bruno Arich-Gerz, p. 572
Schramm, Jan-Melissa. Testimony and Advocacy in Victorian Law, Literature, and Theology—Walter Kokernot, p. 576
Shaw, Harry E. Narrating Realism: Austen, Scott, Eliot—Richard Henry, p. 578